Betekenis van:
international development association

international development association
Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • IDA
  • an agency of the United Nations affiliated with the World Bank




  1. IDA (International Development Association)
  2. Current international practice, namely the ISTA (International Seed Testing Association)/ISF (International Seed Federation) Technical Protocol, approved by the ISTA Executive Committee on 10 February 2006, and adopted by the Council of the OECD (Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development) on 24 May 2006 permit procedures whereby the maximum weight of a lot may be increased for grasses.
  3. Decision 2007/66/EC requires that the ISTA (International Seed Testing Association)/ISF (International Seed Federation) Experiment on Herbage Seed Lot Size, as adopted by the Council of the OECD (Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development), be followed, when derogating from the maximum size of gramineae seed lots.
  4. The Commission is working with the European Investment Bank and the International Financial Institutions, in particular the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the World Bank, with a view to facilitate the co-financing of projects relating to the stabilisation and association process.5. CONDITIONALITY
  5. The Commission is working with the European Investment Bank and the International Financial Institutions, in particular the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the World Bank, with a view to facilitate the co-financing of projects relating to the Stabilisation and Association process.
  6. The Commission is working with the European Investment Bank and the International Financial Institutions, in particular the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the World Bank, with a view to facilitate the co-financing of projects relating to the stabilisation and association process.5.
  7. The conditions for seed production, field inspection, sampling and testing provided for in Directives 66/401/EEC, 66/402/EEC, 2002/55/EC and 2002/57/EC are based on internationally accepted standards, as established by the International Seed Testing Association (ISTA) and the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).
  8. energy: cooperation on energy and mining as set out in Article 61 of the Association Agreement; setting-up of an EU-Algeria strategic dialogue on energy (in particular a memorandum of understanding on the establishment of a strategic partnership); monitoring the development of energy infrastructure of mutual interest in liaison with international and private financial institutions; Maghreb electricity market and integration with the EU internal market.
  9. The work of the High Level Group should take into account the conclusions of the 2798th meeting of the Council of the European Union (Economic and Financial Affairs) of 8 May 2007 which sets out a list of possible actions, on the basis of the reports of the Working Party on Nuclear Safety, and build on the existing cooperation within current international contexts (such as Convention on Nuclear Safety, Joint Convention, International Atomic Energy Agency, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development/Nuclear Energy Agency, Western European Nuclear Regulators Association).
  10. Decree No 2004-103 of 30 January 2004 relating to Ubifrance, the French agency for the international development of undertakings: ‘transfer to Ubifrance […] of the rights, obligations and immovable and movable assets of the Centre français du commerce extérieur’. Article 6 of Law No 2004-105 of 3 February 2004, creating the Agence nationale pour la garantie des droits des mineurs: ‘Subject to the winding up, by decision of its general meeting, of the Association nationale de gestion des retraités des Charbonnages de France et des Houillères de bassin ainsi que de leurs ayants droit, the assets, rights and obligations of this association shall be transferred to the Agence nationale pour la garantie des droits des mineurs’.
  11. Article 2 of Decree No 2000-1294 of 26 December 2000, winding up the Etablissement public chargé de l’aménagement de la ville nouvelle d’Evry and transferring its rights and obligations to the Agence foncière et technique de la région parisienne: ‘the assets and liabilities of the Etablissement public chargé de l’aménagement de la ville nouvelle d’Evry shall be transferred on this date to the Agence foncière et technique de la région parisienne’ […] . ‘it shall take over all the rights and obligations relating to the activity carried on by the Etablissement public’. Decree No 2004-103 of 30 January 2004 relating to Ubifrance, the French agency for the international development of undertakings: ‘transfer to Ubifrance […] of the rights, obligations and immovable and movable assets of the Centre français du commerce extérieur’. Article 6 of Law No 2004-105 of 3 February 2004, creating the Agence nationale pour la garantie des droits des mineurs: ‘Subject to the winding up, by decision of its general meeting, of the Association nationale de gestion des retraités des Charbonnages de France et des Houillères de bassin ainsi que de leurs ayants droit, the assets, rights and obligations of this association shall be transferred to the Agence nationale pour la garantie des droits des mineurs’.